I count my blessings…
In this heat I sat outside and these words came to me…
I count my blessings.
Things turn out perfect. Just as they are meant to not a second sooner or later but with perfect precision.
Every situation we face and every person we encounter is there for a reason. Happy situations and kind souls make our heart sing whereas difficulties and challenging people are our teachers.
There’s a saying God’s delay are not God’s denials. Same way hardship is not a punishment it’s there to help us grow up. God knows our true potential but do we ??
When we are tested it is to help us realise our true capabilities. Until we walk through the fire metaphorically speaking we don’t sense how resilient, vulnerable yet strong we really are.
A friend once said a Samurai sword is tossed and turned a thousand times over in baking heat to make it tough, sharp and super flexible. More elegantly put by him “tempered in the heat of the flame”.
Now Imagine.
Just like a Samurai sword going through the heat and the baking process our hardships and many heartaches have the power to transform us to be like a razor sharp sword which in the hands of a capable warrior has the potential to cut through most of the challenges we face in our day to day lives.
Now imagine our heart. The heart is like a sword. Its fragile and it can break.
It hurts, it feels pain and often feels it is invisible to the owner of the heart and those around.
Now a warrior needs a strong yet versatile sword to make him invincible.
We can be focused and unfazed the strength is within us but we are tested, often to point of overwhelming despair by things outside our control. We don’t know our own greatness.
The obstacles and challenges that push us to the limit are our blessings.
I came to the subject of counting my blessings when I was reflecting on the quality and depth of my relationship with my Dad. I don’t have the words to really explain what this means to me but it still amazes me how he knew what I was thinking well before I did. Often I didn’t know what I was thinking but he did. I heard him before he said anything. I appreciate the connection with my father even more.
The power of unspoken communication. Effortless and priceless. The foundation of such a relationship is trust and unconditional love.
Amongst my sea full of blessings the relationship with my father is at the top of the tree.
Now we are lucky if we have such a connection with one person but very very lucky if we come close to it with more than one person.
We often have some people in our lives with whom we have nothing in common. We probably wouldn’t converse with them ever but for the must put up with them talk in our head.
I’m blessed with this experience too (I expect we all have one or two such people in our lives )but I’m glad as they have taught me so much.
I’m glad I count this as one of my many blessings too.
As I count my blessings I think of my generous friends.
I have a handful of very close, soulful and loyal friends. They have been there for me when I was crumbling or when I had doubts.
My friends are the ones who get me. They listen to me and they give me their attention without any conditions or judgement. They encourage me and believe in me when I doubt myself.
They don’t want anything in return. They just want me to be happy. They really care and when they say how are you? They actually mean it. They clear their schedule to listen to me pour my heart out. I thank my close friends for being there for me.
So as I count my blessings I think of you as you read this post. I’m blessed and honoured to connect with you as well. Our paths have crossed for a reason. You encourage me to keep going. I thank you for your role in my life.
I wish you well and hope you too like a Samurai warrior are able to recognise your own strength to help you through the challenges of life.
When I count my blessings I count YOU twice.
Peace be with you.
© DMP 29.6.19
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