About Daxa Patel
My legal background has given me the analytical skills but grief is both hard to articulate and analyse. I started writing a blog to help myself as well as to help other sons and daughters who may have be on a similar journey. The heartache is something I have never known before and society generally gives lip service to death especially of an elderly parent.
My Dad was my constant companion through my entire life. His death is having profound impact on my life though it is the most natural thing to happen. I hope if you are reading the book you get some comfort though, I am no expert on the subject of grief I do know what it is like to feel utterly helpless, hopeless and broken. As debilitating as this journey is one does grow stronger. My ability to distinguish what is important and what is not has become clearer.
As famously said ‘Blessed are those who mourn’.

Outside of my professional world, I am honoured to be a Trustee of Carers Leeds and a volunteer with the Silver Line & Age UK. I also coach senior leaders and lawyers in operational roles to help them grow, develop and achieve a sense of joy in life. My relaxing hobbies include long- distance running. I did my first ever London Marathon on having run her first on what would have been my father’s 100th birthday. Writing and running have helped me enormously through this journey.