Daxa Patel - My Dad and Me

Daxa Patel – My Dad and Me

In 73 days, I will reach the tenth anniversary of my father’s passing, yes, his death. It is still hard to acknowledge his death.

What have I learnt in these intervening years?

A great deal about myself and about us, and about the kindness from people I least expected.

These are my learning  points from this journey.

  1. The loss of my father is my loss and mine alone.
  2. This is personal not a family thing.
  3. My father had other children, but he was my father only.
  4. It may be almost ten years but sometimes it feels like no time has passed at all.
  5. Grief breaks us open, and we can never be the person we once were.
  6. It is an awakening of the soul, and we feel almost like we have nothing more to lose as nothing can hurt as much.
  7. Our scar is evidence of our love.
  8. We learn who really is in our corner.
  9. Grief in time becomes a friendly companion.
  10. I love my dad more than I thought I did.

Those who have had the privilege to walk this journey may relate to this along with those who love deeply.

I find there once was a sliding glass door that I could not walk through or so I thought, it is not there anymore. I have access to the deeper meaning of life; this is a gift I am grateful for.

If this is, you at the start of your journey don’t give up on you as this sacred journey will redefine you. If you are like me a seasoned traveller, you know what I mean.


18th October 2023