I write this post on my father’s birthday. My dad would have been 104. My amazing precious father is still with me though it is 8 years since he passed.  I have approached this day in a more low key manner than usual, perhaps because this birthday celebrations is just between me and him.  Yet I am sharing my feelings with you because I know there are others who too will be remembering their dad on special days.  

My father shares his birthday with the Queen, she is the same age my father was on his last birthday here.  I got asked a few days back by a good friend as to what my plans were for the birthday, I said nothing.  I didn’t know what to say though it was a perfectly reasonable and  a kind question to ask.  This time I will mark this special day with my beautiful puppy who will be 11 months soon.   An interesting synchronicity my dad’s birthday, Oscar’s birthday and my birthday, all fall on a Thursday this year.  I haven’t quite understood this yet but every year my birthday and my father’s birthday fall on the same day of the week.  Synchronicity or coincidence who knows but it feels good regardless.

Today the sun is shining and when I wrote my journal this morning which is my daily conversation with my dad, I reflected.  Honestly, I don’t miss my dad.  That’s shocking right? The truth is I feel his presence in my life. He doesn’t need to be physically present to be present in my world.  Note the word present in the context of time and space, and present in the context of God’s gift to me, my dad.

With the risk of sounding like a broken record, I am grateful to God for giving me the father I have.  My dad is the best father to me. Like me he wasn’t perfect but he is brilliant because even beyond death he continues to inspire me to be the best version of me and to reach for the stars. Yes, I have the scars of the grief and heartache I felt after he passed but these scars are a testament to everything he means to me and what I mean to him.  

To my brilliant, devoted, courageous, charming, handsome, strong, stubborn and stupendous father, I say just this.

I am grateful to you father for all that you are to me.

For the lessons you taught me and for the courage you gave me.

For showing me the power of love.

For your evergreen presence like a ray of sunshine urging me to live with joy,

Thank you for being you, my Papa. Happy birthday pops, I love you to the moon and back.

Love from planet Earth from your child and Oscar!

To anyone out there missing their precious father in time I hope you will feel they are with you all the way.


21st April 2022