My tenth lesson learned from my lovely #dad is the #art of #living. As I write this I have a lump in my throat and I wish I could squeeze his hands right now.

My Dad taught me the #artofliving through his courage and humility. And it’s a #masterpiece. I am so proud of his legacy which is #priceless beyond #words. He ran the #race of life, alone when he found himself at the age of 51 having to run his #businesses, not one but three, raise his #kids, and do his #communityimpact work. He fought the fight with #determination and #tenacity never once seeing himself as a victim, he fought the fight of #life, and #won. I was able to witness how he kept rising to different #challenges that came his way, and yet despite this he was able to make an #impact on so many that crossed his path. For me, my dad is my #hero, and thanks to him, I have learnt from him the #artofliving life on my terms.

My dad once said we must be as fluid as water, we weave in and out to adjust accordingly without getting dirt on our clothes. Each situation which tests us is an opportunity to #grow, to #learn, and to be our best selves. If we resist, it will come anyway, but we will be weakened if we do not believe we can rise, and #rise we must.

If you like this resonates, and you feel it may help others please feel free to share. Thank you for reading lessons learned from my dad.