My ninth lesson learned from my dad is the importance,  and the impact of feeling safe.

Usually,  the first man a daughter feels safe with is her father. My dad always gave me a sense of security and self-worth. At the time I didn’t appreciate how important this was, and what this meant to me. Nor did I understand then that he was the only one who would break my fall. He had my back and he was always there for me.

The safe space is where I could be myself without feeling any judgement. My dad often understood my inner thoughts without words.

I’ve learnt to use this gift from my dad which I often took for grant into my coaching work.

I’ve learnt the art of active listening without judgement,  and I provide my clients a safe reflective space where they can be themselves.

Feeling safe is critical for our emotional and mental well-being. Equally,  is the sense that we are being held and supported in an empowering way.

Nobody can fill my father’s presence in my world but I know I’m extremely blessed to have had a protective, towering and caring dad who was my sanctuary and home.

Thank you for reading my reflections. If this resonates please feel free to share.